Many Desi students with excellent academic records may not make it to colleges abroad because they simply cannot afford the college tuition and expenses. A $1,000 scholarship in the United States can make an impact of TEN TIMES its value. The scholarship recipient becomes eligible to pay in-state tuition, which could be a saving of as much as $10,000 per year. The scholarship can make a tremendous difference in the cost of education for these students.
Please register yourself so that the donors would contact us to setup the scholarships at the universities where you are studying. The scholarships are setup after a close consultation between the donor, Desi Foundation and the university. Once a scholarship is setup at a university, the administration will be responsible for administering it and awarding it to the right candidate.
A short profile from your registration information will be posted on this website for donors, so that they will donate money to create scholarships for you and students like you at the colleges of your preference. Donors cannot give money directly to students and call it a scholarship.
Click on this link to apply for Desi Foundation scholarships at